October 3, 2022

How To Organize A Toddler Playroom

Keeping toys in order is an ongoing struggle for parents. Creating effectively organizing solutions is the key to maintaining a toddler's playroom. This way, your child will know where to find what and if you have a clever organizing system makes tidying up a lot less tedious.

9 Easy ways to organize a toddler’s playroom

  1. Choose whether you want shelves or cabinets
  2. Build a bookshelf in the playroom
  3. Implement the “top-to-bottom” arranging system
  4. Buy wicker baskets to organize your kid's playthings
  5. Facilitate easy access to art materials
  6. And more…

If you're searching for creative ways to organize your toddler's playroom, you've come to the right place! This article will discuss some genius playroom organization hacks that create a positive flow in your little one's play area. From this moment on, you will understand the meaning of "there's a place for everything, and everything in its place” much clearer!

  1. Choose Whether You Want Shelves Or Cabinets

Many parents struggle to decide whether to put shelves or cabinets in their kid's playroom. It would help if you considered your toddler's age and physical development while deciding whether to employ shelves or cabinets to store all their toys. For older kids, a combo of bright cabinets and shelves can be the perfect organized playroom storage solution.

  1. Build A Bookshelf In The Playroom

Imagine how great it'd be if you set up a toddler's library where you can display all their favorite stories. A section or a corner of the room can be transformed into a relaxing reading nook for your children. All their books should be kept vertically on shelves at a comfortable reading height. 

This arrangement safeguards the books from being harmed while allowing the kids easy access to choose their preferred reading material.

  1. Implement The “Top-To-Bottom” Arranging System

Have you thought of thoroughly cleaning and rearranging your toddler's playroom? Both young and older children benefit from this storage order. 

When putting the top-to-bottom arrangement into practice, consider which objects and toys are better off on the ground or lowest shelves and which can be housed higher. Implementing this sequence will help you prioritize storage areas based on safety and accessibility.

  1. Buy Wicker Baskets To Organize Your Kid's Playthings

Wicker baskets will save your life and your sanity. Different-sized and shaped wicker baskets serve different purposes when storing and transporting things like clothing and toys. 

A cube-shaped storage unit is perfect for wicker baskets because you can change them around easily to rotate your toddler's toy selection. This is a clever trick to prevent the top-shelf toys from gathering dust and not being played with.

  1. Facilitate Easy Access To Art Materials

The creation of any work of art necessitates the use of art materials, but it may be a real pain if those materials are dispersed all over the room. Wall shelves are highly recommended for arranging and keeping your children's craft materials organized in their playroom. 

You may make keeping things like rulers, glue, scissors, markers, crayons, and paper in order by placing them in colorful labeled trays. Add a desk with chairs for your children to sit at when coloring, doing puzzles or making art. Please ensure all their art supplies, like stickers, glitter glue, and construction paper, are close by.

You can even put all the materials in cute little storage containers that you've decorated with washi tape or painted different colors to hold their colored pencils and other stationery they need. This allows them easy access to their arts and craft supplies when they are feeling creative.

  1. Label All The Storage Containers & Drawers

Labeling all the containers in the playroom will help with identification, storage, and organizing. You can put a picture of the contents on the containers and drawers, so your toddler will know what's inside. 

Preparing for kindergarten will aid your kid's ability to identify words and read. Finally, when planning the layout of a playroom, don't forget to incorporate the three pillars of a kid-friendly environment: make everything educational, accessible, and age-appropriate. 

  1. Incorporate A Fun Tidying Up Routine

It's a great learning experience to show your kids how to keep their playroom tidy. Together with the kids, you can establish a regular cleaning schedule in which everything gets put away in its proper place. 

The most wonderful aspect of this method is its encouraging imaginative play while simultaneously cultivating cooperative skills and a sense of humor. Create a competitive game to see who will quickly clean up the toys and other stuff. 

Your young ones will find it to be an exciting adventure. For added inspiration and motivation, play some of their favorite music in the background and tell them to try and pack away all their toys before the song ends. This is a very effective way to teach children to tidy up because you introduce it positively.

  1. Color Code Your Toddler’s Playroom

A toddler's playroom must be a riot of color, from the walls to the toys. Toys, art supplies, and anything else that may be organized by color should be arranged in rainbow order, or at the very least, each color should be grouped separately. 

Color-coding a toddler's playroom can make the space more visually appealing and make it easier for them to keep track of their belongings.

  1. Implement A Rewards Chart For Cleaning

Creating an organized layout and placing everything in its special place in the room is one thing, but keeping it in this condition is a whole new ball game! A rewards chart is a brilliant way to get kids to do what they need to until it becomes second nature. 

The rewards should not have anything to do with getting new toys. Instead, allow them 30 minutes of screen time or watch their favorite movie. Something small, but that makes them feel they earned it. In no time, you will have a playroom that is tidier than the rest of the house! 

The chart must be from Monday to Sunday (yes, they need to understand that they must always clean up after themselves, even on the weekends) and ask them what they would like to "earn" at the end of each day. Please make a note or draw a picture to indicate their reward at the bottom of each day. 

This will be a visual reminder and motivation to clean up after they have made a mess while playing. The reward system makes cleaning time a lot calmer.

Conclusion - A Special Note To Parents

Please remember that it is still a toddler's room, so keeping it mess-free is easier said than done. Messes will be made, even if you're a master of the order, and they may even stay that way on occasion. Not a problem. Get with the program and do all you can to teach and model good organizing habits. It's not something you should worry about, and don't be too hard on yourself; you're doing great!

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An interior design professional with a Master's degree in Architecture and 14 years of practical experience.
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