February 1, 2023

A Complete Guide on How to Spray Paint Interior Walls

If you're looking to give your home or rental a quick, affordable makeover, spray painting your interior walls may be the answer. It's a project that can be completed in just a few hours, and the results are often impressive. In this guide, I'll show you how to get the job done right. So if you’re tackling this project for the first time and looking for tips to help you get great results, read on for all you need to know about spray painting interior walls.

Things to keep in mind when you spray paint interior walls

Spray painting is a fast and efficient way to paint large surfaces, like your interior walls. It is also great for painting tight spaces like corner walls and other difficult-to-reach areas. However, there are several things you need to keep in mind when you spray paint. 

Before I get into the specific instructions for spray painting inside – one of the most important things is choosing the right type of spray paint and color for your home. Many different types of paint are available on the market, and not all of them will work well for interior walls. While I provide more insight on this below, I want you to know ahead of time that oil paint is a no-go. If this is what you have on hand, it’s time to replace it.

Outside of that, it would be best if you also kept in mind your color scheme. Assess your furniture and home decor before choosing a paint color. You want to make sure things look nice, after all.

How to spray paint interior walls

Now that’s covered, let’s get into the play-by-play of interior spray painting.

Step 1: Prep your walls for spray painting


Before you start spray painting your walls, it's important to prepare the surface. In order to get the best results, you should clean and dry the walls completely. If there is any dust or dirt on the surface, it won't be easy to paint a smooth finish. You can clean the walls with a damp cloth or a vacuum cleaner with a brush attachment. Make sure that all of the surfaces are completely dry before you start spraying.

There are several ways to clean your walls before painting them with a sprayer. The most effective way is by using a vacuum cleaner with a brush attachment. This will remove all of the dust and dirt from the surface and allow for a smooth finish. You can also clean the walls with a damp cloth, but make sure they are completely dry before you start spraying.

Step 2: Make sure your room is well-ventilated


When spray painting interior walls, it is important to prepare the surface properly. One of the most important things to keep in mind is ventilation.  If you are going to spray paint in a room that is not already ventilated, you will need to take some steps to ensure adequate ventilation. 

One way to do this is by opening a window or door to allow fresh air in and using a fan to circulate the indoor air outside to help remove any fumes from the paint. 

Pro Tip: Use a respirator mask to keep fumes out of your body and to add a layer of protection for yourself. You should also wear goggles and gloves.

Step 3: Prep your work area


Now it’s time to prepare the space. Start by removing all furniture from the room and covering any flooring or carpeting with drop cloths. Next, use painter's tape to tape off any areas that you don’t want to paint, such as baseboards or crown molding. If any holes need filling, now is the time to do so. Spray paint is thin, and minor marks or holes will be noticeable post-painting.

Step 4: Time to spray paint!


Once the surface is prepared, you can start painting. When using a sprayer/spray gun, always hold it at least 12 inches away from the surface and move it in a steady back-and-forth motion. To avoid overspraying, always work in small sections.

Step 5: Let it dry

After you finish painting, allow the area to dry completely before moving any furniture back into the room. While you may think spray paint will dry quickly, the paint will need a minimum of 24 hours to cure. To ensure the best results, don't do anything until that time has passed.

Outside of knowing how to spray paint interior walls, you should know what products not to use for spray painting interior walls.

When spray painting interior walls, it is important to use the correct type of paint. Oil-based paints should not be used, as they can create a lot of fumes and aren't ideal. In addition, avoid using any products that are not specifically meant for use in a sprayer. Using the wrong type of paint can result in an uneven finish or overspray.

What is overspray? It's just how it sounds: Spray paint getting outside of the desired area of work. Think about your floors, clothes, furniture etc. To avoid these problems, always make sure to use the correct type of paint and follow the instructions for using a sprayer properly.

Consult a local hardware store or retail chain paint professional to ensure the best results. They can give you pointers on the project at hand.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to paint a room with a sprayer?

Painting interior walls with a sprayer tool can quickly and efficiently get the job done. When using a sprayer, always hold it at least 12 inches away from the surface and move it in a steady back-and-forth motion. To avoid overspraying, always work in small sections. After you finish painting, allow the area to dry completely before moving any furniture back into the room.

Is it safe to spray paint inside?

When spray painting inside your home, it’s essential to be aware of the potential health risks. Make sure to ventilate the area well by opening all the windows and doors, or using a fan if possible. It’s also important to use the correct type of paint. Specially formulated paints are made for use in sprayers, and they will give you the best results. Avoid using oil-based paints, as they can create a lot of fumes. To avoid overspraying, always work in small sections and be careful not to get paint on any surfaces that you don’t want to paint. Allow the area to dry completely before moving any furniture back in.

Can you use aerosol spray paint on walls?

When painting walls, there are many different types of paint to choose from. Some people may wonder if aerosol spray paint can be used on walls. Aerosol spray paint is a type of paint that is dispensed in a fine mist. It is often used to paint small objects, such as furniture or metal objects. Because it is a fast and easy way to apply paint, some people may wonder if it can be used to paint walls.  

The answer is yes, you can use aerosol spray paint to paint walls; however,  you should use a primer before painting with aerosol spray paint. Primer will help the color look more even and help the paint adhere better to the surface. Be sure to follow the instructions for using aerosol spray paints carefully, as over-spraying can cause paint drips on surfaces you don’t want to be painted or getting too much paint on one spot will lead to runs. Allow the area plenty of time dry before moving any furniture back.

Wrapping up

Now that you know how to spray paint interior walls, what paint products not to use, how to paint a room with a sprayer, and if you should use aerosol cans - go forth and give it a try! Just remember to take your time in setting up and be patient while painting for the best results. With these tips in mind, you are sure to achieve the perfect look for any space in your home.

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An interior design professional with a Master's degree in Architecture and 14 years of practical experience.
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